Monday, 23 June 2014

How To Hack a Gmail By a Hacker

Friends most of my friends lost there gmail IDs because of hacking. Don't worry
i didn't do that but there are many more who like hacking like me. But i do not want
to be harmful for anyone , i just want to tell the people the way of hacking, How a
hacker can hack you? , how can you save yourself from them. So today i'm going
to tell you how can you hack anyone gmail id or how can you save your's one?
Just see some simple steps

STEP 1.- First of all , a hacker will try to know you gmail id.
STEP 2.- Now , he'll click on Forget Password on . Here he'll fill your
email id.
STEP 3.- After that there'll be two option to hack the account , the first one is mobile
 number and the second one is your alternate email id or your security answer.
STEP 4.- Let assume that you want to hack your friends gmail id or your friends want
 to hack your gmail id then he'll ask you for your phone for sometime. Once you'll
allow him then no one can save your gmail id. It'll surely going to be hacked. Let
me show you in next step how'll he hack your gmail id. STEP 6.- Now after doing
last 5 step, he'll fill your number and click on continue. After that google will send
a sms on your number with a code and when he'll fill that code there then google
 will show you a page to set a new password. Now he'll set new password.
A confirmation mail will be sent to your atlernative email id. But he'll do something
wrong that will explained in next step
STEP 7.- Now he'll go to ACCOUNT section and change the recovery option.
 E.g. He'll replace your number with
 his private number and also change your alternative email with his email
STEP 8.- Now he'll come to you, and give your phone to you and say thanks with a
smiling face and you know what'll you say ? You'll say - your welcome, its my pleasure. . Ha ha ha. .

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