Monday, 3 November 2014

How to build a black box?

 I found this tutorial quite a long time ago and I don't know if it still works. Nevertheless , it might be interresting to read, you might even learn something from it! I would have gladly given credit to it's author but won't since I have no idea who he is. So here is his tutorial that remained unchanged ( I hope!):

is a device that is hooked up to your phone that fixes your phone so that when you get a call, the caller doesn't get charged for the call. This is good for calls up to 1/2 hour, after 1/2 hour the phone Co. gets suspicious, and then you can guess what happens.

What this little beauty does is keep the line voltage from dropping to 10v when you answer your fone. The line is instead kept at 36v and it will make the fone think that it is still ringing while your talking. The reason for the 1/2 hour time limit is that the
phone CO. thinks that something is wrong after 1/2 an hour of ringing.

All parts are available at Radio Shack. Using the least possible parts and arangement, the cost is $0.98 !!!! And that is parts for two of them! Talk about a deal! If you want to splurge then you can get a small PC board, and a switch. There are two
schematics for this box, one is for most normal fones. The second one is
for fones that don't work with the first. It was made for use with a Bell
Trimline touch tone fone.

** Schematic 1 for most fones **
** LED ON: BOX ON **

FROM >--------------------GREEN-> TO
LINE >--! 1.8k LED !---RED--> FONE
! !

Parts: 1 1.8k 1/2 watt resistor
1 1.5v LED
1 SPST switch

You may just have two wires which you connect together for the switch.

** Schematic 2 for all fones **

FROM >---------------GREEN-> TO
LINE >------- ---RED--> FONE
! LED !
! !
�Parts: 1 2 watt resistor
1 1.5v LED
1 DPST switch

Here is the PC board layout that I recommend using. It is neat and is very easy to hook up.

Schematic #1 Schematic #2

************** ****************
* * * ------- *
* --<LED>--- * * ! ! *
* ! ! * * ! <SWITCH> *
* RESISTOR ! * * ! ! ! *
* ! ! * * ! ! / *
* -------- ! * * ! ! *
* ! ! * * ! <LED>! / *
* --SWITCH-- * * ! ! *
* ! ! * * ! ! / *
L * ! ! * F L * ! ! ! * F
N>-----GREEN---->N N>-----GREEN------>N
E * h * E E * * E
************** ****************

Once you have hooked up all the parts, you must figure out what set of wires go to the line and which go to the fone. This is because of the fact that LED's must be put in, in a certain direction. Depending on which way you put the LED is what controls what wires are for the line & fone.

How to find out:

Hook up the box in one direction using one set offor line and the other for fone.

*NOTE* For Model I switch should be OFF.
*NOTE* For Model ][ switch should be set to side connecting the led.

Once you have hooked it up, then pick up the fone and see if the LED is on. If it is, the LED will be lit. If is doesn't light then switch the wires and try again. Once you know which are which then label them. *NOTE* - If neither directions worked then your
�lable the switch in its current position as BOX ON.

How to use it:

The purpose of this box is for poeple who call you not to pay so it would make
sence that it can only be used to receive! calls. When the box is *ON* then you may only recieve calls. Your fone will ring like normal and the LED on the box will flash. If you answer the fone now, then the LED will light and the caller will not be charged. Hang up the fone after you are done talking like normal. You will not be able to get a dial-tone or call when the box is on, so turn the box *OFF* for normal calls. I don't recommend that you leave it on all the time, as you don't want it to answer when Ma Bell calls!

Hope it brought something to those who read it.

how to search google for RAPIDSHARE links

If you wanna find some apps, files etc on via google, do the following.

Paste this into the google search window (not the adress bar): -filetype:zip OR rar daterange:2453402-2453412

* this searches the site for any file that is rar or zip, and
has been indexed between 1-11 February.

dvd -filetype:zip OR rar daterange:2453402-2453412

* this is the same search but it specifically searches for "dvd" with the same
search criteria, so any app posted with the word dvd in it will be found.

There are mainly three criteria to keep in mind when doing this search.

1. site: your site of choice to search

2. filetype: filetypes you wanna search,if you put a "OR" after the first
filetype you can add more.

3. daterange: (start date-enddate)

* this uses the "julian calendar", converter can be found here:


Hacking Webpages

Getting the Password File Through FTP

Ok well one of the easiest ways of getting superuser access is through
anonymous ftp access into a webpage. First you need learn a little about
the password file...

TomJones:p5Y(h0tiC:1229:20:Tom Jones,:/usr/people/tomjones:/bin/csh
BBob:EUyd5XAAtv2dA:1129:20:Billy Bob:/usr/people/bbob:/bin/csh

This is an example of a regular encrypted password file. The Superuser is
the part that gives you root. That's the main part of the file.

ftp:x:202:102:Anonymous ftp:/u1/ftp:
ftpadmin:x:203:102:ftp Administrator:/u1/ftp

This is another example of a password file, only this one has one little
difference, it's shadowed. Shadowed password files don't let you view or
copy the actual encrypted password.  This causes problems for the password
cracker and dictionary maker(both explained later in the text). Below is
another example of a shadowed password file:

smtp:x:0:0:mail daemon user:/:
listen:x:37:4:Network Admin:/usr/net/nls:
nobody:x:60001:60001:uid no body:/:
noaccess:x:60002:60002:uid no access:/:
webmastr:x:53:53:WWW Admin:/export/home/webmastr:/usr/bin/csh
pin4geo:x:55:55:PinPaper Admin:/export/home/webmastr/new/gregY/test/pin4geo:/bin/false
ftp:x:54:54:Anonymous FTP:/export/home/anon_ftp:/bin/false

Shadowed password files have an "x" in the place of a password or sometimes
they are disguised as an * as well.

Now that you know a little more about what the actual password file looks
like you should be able to identify a normal encrypted pw from a shadowed
pw file. We can now go on to talk about how to crack it.

Cracking a password file isn't as complicated as it would seem, although the
files vary from system to system. 1.The first step that you would take is
to download or copy the file. 2. The second step is to find a password
cracker and a dictionary maker. Although it's nearly impossible to find a
good cracker there are a few ok ones out there. I recomend that you look
for Cracker Jack, John the Ripper, Brute Force Cracker, or Jack the Ripper.
Now for a dictionary maker or a dictionary file...  When you start a
cracking prog you will be asked to find the the password file. That's where
a dictionary maker comes in. You can download one from nearly every hacker
page on the net.  A dictionary maker finds all the possible letter
combinations with the alphabet that you choose(ASCII, caps, lowercase, and
numeric letters may also be added) .  We will be releasing our pasword file
to the public soon, it will be called, Psychotic Candy, "The Perfect Drug."
As far as we know it will be one of the largest in circulation. 3. You then start up the cracker and follow the directions that it gives

The PHF Technique

Well I wasn't sure if I should include this section due to the fact that
everybody already knows it and most servers have already found out about
the bug and fixed it. But since I have been asked questions about the phf
I decided to include it.

The phf technique is by far the easiest way of getting a password file
(although it doesn't work 95% of the time). But to do the phf all you do
is open a browser and type in the following link:


You replace the webpage_goes_here with the domain. So if you were trying to
get the pw file for you would type:

and that's it! You just sit back and copy the file(if it works).

The best way to get root is with an exploit. Exploits are explained in the
next chapter.

How To Remove The Default Admin$ Shares

By default Windows 2000, Windows XP and WinNT automatically setup hidden admin shares (admin$, c$ and d$), this registry key will disable these hidden shares.

System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ System\ CurrentControlSet\ Services\ LanmanServer\ Parameters]
Value Name: AutoShareWks
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = disable shares, 1 = enable)

This registry key actually stops the recreation of the shares, therefore it may be necessary to delete the shares through the drive properties also or you can also remove the shares through the Computer Management Console.

How To Increase Download Speeds By 100-200 Kbsec

How To Increase Download Speeds By 100-200 Kbsec

 First of all download this wonderful program:


Then when u start trhe program goto settings goto cable modem or dsl whatevcer u have.

Go to MaxMTU and set it to 1500 this is optimal anything above this will not work as well.

Thats bout it!! Enjoy the speed!!

How To Make Your Own Radio Station

Must HAVE Winamp (Any Version)
First, things First your speed has to be at least 256/64 kbps (which means Dial-up users, will have alot of latency, just dnt bother)
Second, your going to have to have a domain, an updated one with the current i.p active. (Could be anything e.g. My sig)

Now, Your gonna have to download the Shoutcast Files.

Go to to get the files.

Ok After downloading these, installing Both of them in any order i dnt care. Go to START>PROGRAM FILES>SHOUTcast DNAS>EDIT SHOUTCAST DNS CONFIG.