Thursday, 7 August 2014

Tips for virus detection

  • The first thing that affects a virus prone system is the speed. When your system slows down, then you can be sure that your system is virus attacked. Applications and programs in the system will start to slow down.
  • One can also see a lot of irrelevant contents popping up now and then which does not make any sense.
  • A lot of error messages will pop up. If the system is attacked with virus, then when you try to run an application, it will show error.
  • Best way to check for virus is to inspect the files in the computer. A virus prone system will have a lot of modifications and additions made to the folders and files. The name of the file also changes.
  • Last but not least, you can make use of the antivirus software that will help one to locate the problem. It not only detects the virus but also finds out the locations where the attack is more and has caused havoc. Using the anti-virus software a search could be run on the system which will scan all the files and folders and will also freeze all of the viruses found in the system.